Zum ShopIn 2003, Müller Glas became the first company to introduce the BVS 30/60 screw cap for wine in Austria. Initially ridiculed, the system quickly gained acceptance. Numerous new bottle shapes with the new finish were developed by Müller Glas & Co in the early days and enthusiastically embraced by users. A new standard in the Austrian wine market was born.In 2003, Müller Glas became the first company to introduce the BVS 30/60 screw cap for wine in Austria. Initially ridiculed, the system quickly gained acceptance.Numerous new bottle shapes with the new finish were developed by Müller Glas & Co in the early days and enthusiastically embraced by users. A new standard in the Austrian wine market was born.
Stelvin - There is only one original
Nowadays, nearly 80% of all Austrian wines are sealed with screw caps! Despite the variety of imitations from different suppliers on the market, there is only one original, unadulterated version from the world market leader: STELVIN by Amcor, exclusively available at Müller Glas.
First impressions count
Since 2013, our high-performance printing plant in Göttlesbrunn has been in operation. It enables us to offer extreme flexibility, shorter delivery times, and, above all, tailor-made solutions for your demanding clientele. With our high-gloss primer, we can achieve brilliant printing results in different colors: black, gray, silver, gold, bronze, or white. This allows us to respond to customer needs with over 50 stock colors and flexible printing. To ensure that every wine bottle with a Stelvin closure can be sealed, we also rent out customized capping machines. The minimum order quantity is just 3 cartons.
Contact us – we are happy to help!
office@muellerglas.at | 02162 8215
Vorteile von Stelvin® Schraub-Verschlüssen im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Korkverschlüssen
Stelvin®-Verschlüsse sind TCA-frei. Korkgeschmack ist dadurch zu 100% ausgeschlossen
Mit Stelvin®-Verschlüssen werden das Aroma und die Spritzigkeit des Inhalts lange erhalten.
Advantages of Stelvin® Screw Caps
- No Overcap Required
As this is a long cap, the banderole number is printed directly on the closure.
- Aroma and Freshness
Stelvin® closures help preserve the aroma and freshness of the contents for a long time.
- Practical and Easy to Open
The cap can be easily opened by hand and resealed. A corkscrew is not needed.
Sustainability at Stelvin
The CO₂ footprint of STELVIN® closures decreases by 35%
In an era where sustainability is a key focus, Amcor Capsules sets new standards for the environmentally friendly production of wine screw caps. The international market leader has succeeded in reducing the carbon footprint of STELVIN aluminum screw caps by an impressive 35%.
Two innovations, a big step for the environment
This remarkable reduction has been achieved through two key measures:
- Use of recycled aluminum: Up to 46% of the aluminum used now comes from recycled sources.
- Use of raw materials with lower carbon impact: The remaining raw materials are sourced from more sustainable and environmentally friendly production.
These sustainable improvements make the entire STELVIN® range the preferred choice for all 30H60 screw caps used in Europe, North America, and South America.
Closure Types
You can choose between the Stelvin®, Stelvin+, and Stelvin Inside closures. With Stelvin-P, there is also a variant specifically designed for sparkling wines.
Stelvin® is a screw cap specifically developed for wine. It combines an aluminum closure, a specific BVS bottle neck finish, and a selection of specialized liners.
- Stelvin® is the more cost-effective variant.
- Printing is done via flat printing with additional offset side printing.
- Suitable up to 4 bar pressure (Exception: Stelvin Lux up to 1 bar)
- Embossed logo on the top.
- Special coloring technique using Pistolage for UNI closures - a side print can be adapted via screen printing.
- Allows the production of more color variants – multiple colors can be blended.
- Metallic effects or rubberized closures available upon request.
- Available from 1 pallet.
- 4 different liner options available.
- Liners without PVDC and tin.
- Oxygen permeability: Varies from closure to closure, with up to a tenfold increase.
- O1 has the lowest oxygen permeability, where the tin layer has been replaced with an aluminum layer.
- Followed by O3 (similar to Saranex lining), then O5 and O7.
- The same rolling head as the original STELVIN® closures can be used with a simple adjustment.
- Equipped with a special pressure tin liner.
- These BVS closures can withstand an internal pressure of up to 6 bar.
- Ideal for traditional sparkling wines.
Stelvin® ist ein Schraubverschluss, der speziell für Wein entwickelt wurde. Er kombiniert einen Aluminiumverschluss, einen spezifischen BVS-Flaschenhalsabschluss und eine Auswahl spezifischer Dichtungen.
Stelvin® ist die kostengünstigere Variante
Die Bedruckung erfolgt mittels Flachdruck und zusätzlichem Offset Seitendruck
Eignung bis 4 bar (Ausnahme: Stelvin Lux bis zu 1 bar)
Erhabene Prägung am Kopf
Spezielle Einfärbetechnik durch Pistolage bei UNI Verschlüssen - ein Seitendruck wird mittels Siebdruck adaptiert
Herstellung von mehr Farbvarianten möglich - mehrere Farben können zusammengemischt werden
Auf Wunsch auch metallischer Effekt oder gummierte Verschlüsse möglich.
Bestellbar ab 1 Palette
Stelvin-Inside Serie
4 verschiedene Dichtscheiben erhältlich
Einlagen ohne PVDC und Zinn
Sauerstoff-Durchlässigkeit: Von Verschluss zu Verschluss ist der Faktor nach oben hin das 10-fache.
Beim O1 ist die Sauerstoff-Durchlässigkeit am geringsten. Hier wurde die Zinn- durch eine Aluminiumschicht ersetzt.
Gefolgt von O3: ähnlich der Saranex-Einlage, und weiters O5 und O7.
Es kann derselbe Anrollkopf wie für die originalen STELVIN®-Verschlüsse - mit einer einfachen Anpassung - verwendet werden.
Mit spezieller Pressure-Zinneinlage ausgestattet
Diese BVS-Verschlüsse halten einen Innendruck von bis zu 6 bar stand
Für klassische Schaumweine geeignet.
A custom shape can be developed in collaboration with Amcor, or "Texturing" can be used to create an embossed logo or a custom structure on the side.
Two textures available: Wave or Castel print.
Can be produced as a single batch starting from 3 pallets.
Additional tooling costs apply for custom structures.
"Our STELVIN® closures ensure consistency from bottle to bottle, preserving the aroma, taste, and freshness of your wine. Unlike traditional cork closures, STELVIN® closures are free from TCA (trichloroanisole), meaning you don’t have to worry about unpleasant cork taint.
Our STELVIN® closures are not only practical and easy to open, close, reuse, and store, but they can also be elaborately designed and decorated."
Eduard S., Product Procurement, Göttlesbrunn
Alle technischen Spezifikationen zur Einstellung Ihrer Verschlussmaschine HIER DOWNLOADEN
Download all technical specifications for setting up your closure machinek HERE
Custom Closures
The Emotional Connection to Your Brand
The closure of a product is crucial.
The moment of opening sharpens the senses, fully focusing on the product. The sound of opening and the first perception of aromas enhance the anticipation of enjoyment, creating a positive association with the brand. The visibility of the brand on the closure ensures recognition at exactly this "emotional" moment, making it highly effective.
Contact us.
Explore all Stelvin colors at a glance
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