The Cork Without Compromises

A cork must meet many requirements: It must seal tightly but allow a minimal amount of air to pass through. It must be robust, flexible, long-lasting, and cost-effective. It should not impart cork taint or other faults into the wine. And ultimately, each cork is unique and affects the bottle’s content differently.

  • No cork taint
  • No faults
  • Pure wine taste

The Diam® cork meets all these requirements effortlessly and introduces cutting-edge technology. Thanks to the Diamant® process, it achieves quality stability and homogeneity, making it unrivaled among traditional corks.

The process starts with high-quality natural cork. After harvest and a 6 to 18-month drying period, the cork bark is cleaned with pure water and ground into fine cork granules. Then, using the patented Diamant® method, CO₂ removes unwanted cork components, eliminating sensory deviations in the wine. The cork is now completely neutral in taste. By adding microscopic, minimally swelling particles, optimal homogeneity and elasticity are achieved. Finally, a high-purity, food-safe binding agent is added, forming the granules into shape and steaming them.

For sparkling wines and champagne, the Mytik® variant is available, offering all the advantages of the Diamant® process for sparkling pleasure.

20 Years of DIAM: Press Release

The Cork That Changed the Wine World

Göttlesbrunn, 11.09.2024 – Diam Bouchage, a pioneer in cork technology, celebrates its 20th anniversary and marks this milestone with a look back on two decades of groundbreaking innovation.

For 15 years, the revolutionary DIAM closures have been exclusively available at Müller Glas in Austria, highlighting the special partnership between the two companies.

DIAMANT® Technology: A Milestone in Winemaking
The introduction of DIAMANT® technology in 2004 marked a turning point in the wine industry. This eco-friendly method uses supercritical CO₂ to remove TCA particles from cork, eliminating the risk of unpleasant cork taint. Winemakers have since relied on its exceptional sensory neutrality and the optimal aroma preservation for their wines.

Müller Glas and DIAM: 15 Years of Success in Austria

[The last 20 years - READ PRESS RELEASE →]

The Evolution of Cork

The evolution of cork reaches its peak with Diam® corks, which meet all demanding requirements while utilizing innovative technology. The revolutionary “Diamant process” sets new standards for quality stability and homogeneity, making traditional corks obsolete.

Cleaning and Refinement through the Diamant Process

The base material is natural cork. The cork wood is ground into granules, with only the best components retained, such as suberin. The cleaning process follows the revolutionary Diamant technology, penetrating deep into the cell structure of the cork.

Taste Neutrality through CO₂ Treatment

CO₂ gas is pressurized and heated into a supercritical state, where it acts as a powerful cleaning agent. This removes unwanted components, particularly TCA, the main cause of cork taint.

Versatile Application Possibilities

Diam® does not react with the wine, ensuring that it remains pure and unaltered. The cork is produced using cleaned cork material, food-safe binding agents, and microspheres, derived from the Diamant extraction process.

This results in outstanding technical properties, with varying levels of gas permeability available. Winemakers can select the perfect closure to match their wine’s specific needs, ensuring consistent aging characteristics across all bottles.

Specialized Variants and Customization Options

For sparkling wines and champagne, the Mytik® variant offers all the benefits of the Diamant process, ensuring a perfect sparkling experience.

Diam® Korken:
  •  Addition of microspheres for optimal homogeneity and elasticity
    Diamant Process for quality stability and homogeneity
    High-quality wine closure made from natural cork
    Use of food-grade binding agents
    Taste neutrality through CO₂ treatment
Mytik® for Sparkling Wine and Champagne
  • Guaranteed sparkling enjoyment for sparkling wine and champagne
    Utilizes the benefits of the "Diamant Process"

Diam® Advantages Compared
  • Different oxygen permeabilities, always choosing the lowest option
  • Guaranteed elasticity for selectable periods (3, 5, 10, or up to 30 years)
  • Unique combination of quality and stability
Special Diam® Variants
  • Different types: MD3, MD5, MD10, each with specific granule size
  • Mytik® for sparkling wine and champagne
Experience Quality
  • Origine® by Diam with the addition of beeswax, laser printing
  • Diam® available for orders starting from 1,000 pieces

Die Herausragenden Merkmale im Überblick

Diam® Korken:

  • Zugabe von Mikrosphären für optimale Homogenität und Elastizität
  • "Diamant Verfahren" für Qualitätsstabilität und Homogenität
  • Hochwertiger Weinverschluss aus natürlichem Kork
  • Verwendung von lebensmittelechtem Bindemittel
  • Geschmacklich neutral durch CO2-Behandlung

Mytik® für Sekt und Champagner:

  • Garantiert prickelnden Genuss für Sekt und Champagner
  • Nutzt die Vorzüge des "Diamant Verfahrens"

Diam® Vorteile im Vergleich:

  • Unterschiedliche Sauerstoffdurchlässigkeiten, wobei stets die geringste gewählt wird
  • Garantierte Elastizität für wählbare Zeiträume (3, 5, 10 oder bis 30 Jahre)
  • Einzigartige Kombination aus Qualität und Stabilität

Spezielle Diam® Varianten:

  • Unterschiedliche Typen: MD3, MD5, MD10 mit jeweils spezifischer Granulatgröße
  • Mytik® für Sekt und Champagner

Qualität erleben

  • Origine® by Diam mit Zusatz von Bienenwachs, Laserdruck
  • Diam® ab 1000 Stück bestellbar

Our Experts on DIAM

A Look Behind the Scenes of DIAM Corks with Our Closure Expert Eduard Schiebl

Today, we explore the fascinating development of DIAM corks from natural cork and understand how the innovative "Diamant Process" overcomes traditional challenges. Join Eduard Schiebl in discovering the technology behind DIAM corks and how they sustainably shape the wine industry.

Müller Glas: Before diving into the details of how DIAM corks are made, could you briefly explain the challenges with traditional wine closures and how DIAM corks represent an evolution?

Eduard Schiebl: A closure must ensure that the wine reaches the consumer exactly as intended—clean and unaffected. This is where DIAM corks revolutionize the industry. [Read the full interview →]

DIAM Experte Eduard Schiebl
Weinflaschen Experten

"Wine Sealed with Cork = Guaranteed Enjoyment"We all know the feeling: Opening a good bottle of wine at the table must be flawless. With DIAM stoppers, you have a guarantee—both physically and in writing—that the wine’s quality remains as it was when bottled, ensuring it reaches the customer in perfect condition. After all, people want to talk about the wine—not the cork.

Unlike traditional cork closures, DIAM stoppers are free from TCA (trichloroanisole), meaning you never have to worry about unpleasant cork taint."

Reinhard S., Sales Representative

Customized Closures

he emotional connection to your brand

The closure of a product is of crucial importance. At the moment of opening, the senses are sharpened and fully focused on the product.

The sound of opening and the first perception of aromas enhance the anticipation of enjoyment. A positive association with the brand is created.

The visibility of the brand on the closure enables recognition at precisely this "emotional" moment and is therefore highly effective.

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